Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Every morning about seven
I sit and wait for the time
I can call you on that damn cell phone
that refuses to let me hear your voice
until you have reached a distance
close enough for it to pick up.
I think that damn phone has something against me.
So you better keep it out of my reach
or that phone is going to cell phone heaven.
Cause when I try to call you in the morning at seven
it better pick up and let me hear your voice or it's dead.
It has cursed me long enough, and with all this said
I still Love You , but that damn cell phone can go to cell phone heaven.
Or better yet it is going to cell phone Hell!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better one day we will sent it off you it's final home. Heaven or Hell

4:42 PM  

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