Monday, January 23, 2006

Hopes And Dreams

Sometimes our dreams seem so far away.
We must hold on to them everyday.
If you lose your dreams there's nothing left,
an empty hole inside your chest.
I cling to mine as if there will be no more,
these dreams inside life holds in store.
I know there's happiness out there somewhere,
and with my love I hope these dreams we'll one day share.
I know his dreams are a lot like mine,
even though we don't agree every single time.
But with these dreams comes hope for a life together.
And in my dreams I can't think of a man I'd want much better.
I pray our hopes and dreams will always be fair,
I hope for life our souls will bond and to each we bare.
You just can't loose sight of all your dreams,
it's something you should hold for eternity it seems.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

12:56 PM  

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