Saturday, October 08, 2005

A Storm Sent By God

I wish I could write more these days
so many things in my head I want to say.
But right now I work most of the time
no time for writing these things that rhyme.

But my heart is still in my words today
away from writing I'll never stay.
I will come back to my one true love
the thing that makes me feel free as a dove.

For within my mind just waiting there
so many things I have to share.
So many things about my friends
so much worry I can't pretend.

Art I worry about all the time
he is my Bubba you can bet your last dime.
He his so great and loving you see,
I just wish I could help him like he does me.

A wonderful brother he has become
sometimes his words make me so numb.
His love he shows is so great
to lose his friendship I would hate.

I worry too about my friend HuggyBear
who has a heart with so much love to share.
But him I worry about because he is so lonely and sad
sometimes I think about it and makes me so mad.

Others should see the love that comes from him
but somehow it never reaches them.
I have to say the loss is there's
because his love is so wonderful that he shares.

I will love him as my friend forever
his love I'll take for granted, no never.
I'll hold him close to my heart
as I have right from the start.

Ham is another friend I worry about
when I don't hear from him I want to shout.
He is so close to all these storms
as these hurricanes started to form.

I worried so much when I didn't hear from him,
my mind was spinning things looked so dim.
But now he his back and I am happy for that
I am now smiling like a big old fat cat.

His poetry he sends me I'll always cherish
I hope our friendship will never parish.
His cards so beautiful I've come to look forward too
and our talks together keep me from being so blue.

When I thought Katrina had took my friend
I was lost I I tell you I can't pretend.
But on that day when I heard from him
my life no longer seemed so dim.

I hope our friendship never goes away
I need him in my life every day.
A wonderful friend God has sent
together a lifetime our friendship was meant.

A friend I hold so very dear
for her sometimes life I fear.
So many trials she's had to endure
takes it's toll on her I'm sure.

I place her in Gods hands each and ever night
for I know these trials are such a fright.
I pray he will be there just for her
and take away all her anger.

I know Lord that she is so scared
only because her vision have been impaired.
Another loss she just can't take
help her now for heavens sake.

Cher and I have so much in common today
from the pain and losses that came our way.
Our minds they really think so much alike
sometimes our poetry sends me to fright.

Because I don't want her to feel like I do,
always feeling life will always be blue.
I hope one day she will have some relief
from these trials that come like a thief.

Cher has been there for me through think and thin,
helping handles these trials my life has been in.
I thank her for that I hope she knows how much I care
I pray our friendship will be a lifetime to share.

Shy I worry about but I know that she's strong,
even with the things in her life that have gone wrong.
She is very sweet and writes beautiful poetry too,
I pray for her daily too never be blue.

She has some beautiful little girls,
I know they are her special world.
I hope that Shy also knows how much she has helped me to,
just thought a kind word trying to keep me from feeling so blue.

I also hope that our friendship will last,
and never be a thing of the past.
I will continue to pay for you each day
just remember you have a friend down this way.

Edie is a very special friend to me
I believe God meant for our friendship to be.
She also helps me and sets me straight,
my kidding sometimes she really hates.

But I don't mean to offend her in any way,
I hope I'll get to me her someday.
She is known as our whiteout queen,
oh honey I know that was mean.

But it's just a little humor to you from me,
because I'm really glad our friendship was meant to be.
I'm very proud your life with G-man is so grate,
I feel he will be your lasting mate.

With all joking about the whiteout queen aside,
I think when you get this I'll run and hide.
But know that your friendship I will also cherish,
and too that I hope it will never parish.

Now Mary is a very wonderful friend,
I think like me she likes to pretend.
She has helped me through her words of kindness
to our lives she brings such brightness.

Though all of her love she that she shows,
to all of our problems the answers she knows.
I cherish your friendship more than you see,
and I thank you too for always being there for me.

Continue your writing you do it so good,
your words come out just like they should.
Your poems I will read for the rest of my days,
as I know our friendship and grow stronger in many ways.

Paul is my new found friend,
a cute little fellow I won't pretend.
If I was a few years younger he would be in trouble
he would be walking around with a wobble.

Oh that's so tacky coming from me,
but if you see his picture then you will see.
He is a great writer I have to say,
his words touch my heart in such a way.

I love his darkness within his writes
sometimes I worry they chill you with fright.
He does it in a why I just can't explain
sometimes I cry I just can't refrain.

I do worry when he speaks so much of death,
when I read your suicide note I almost lost my breath.
I've been there just wanting to die,
not able to do anything but cry.

But always remember you have a friend in me,
a lasting friendship that God meant for it to be.
If he hadn't the Storm never would have come to us all,
for bonds to be formed never to fall.



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