Saturday, November 19, 2005

Beast Of Fire

I am consumed with wanting,
But for what I'm uncertain.
Maybe it's a craving for life,
A need to feel alive.
A fire burns within me,
Scratching, screaming,
Trying to claw its way out,
My blood poisoned with its Passion.
It's restless,
Confined in my cage,
With just enough space to pace,
Planning escape.
I know that it will come,
That day it will run free,
But not until my mind is free.
Only a name
Will bring peace and cease its torturing pleas.
Roars echoing in the dark void of mind,
Beckoning me come find,
to look inside,
To search for meaning in my existence,
Demanding I define my destiny.
It's a living fire within me,
One I cannot extinguish,
And I am being incinerated
By its fierce flames.
The only relief from its wrath,
Is found in your arms.
In your presence,
it eases,
The longing subsides.
I grow anxious with thought of losing you,
like an old familiar friend,
it will return,
To eat me alive with its ravenous hunger,
Until I touch you once again.
With you,
I want to do those things
yet not yet done,
To turn this animal loose on you,
No restraint.
Dare you let me close enough,
To burn you with its scorching desire;
Dare you be my brave knight
And subdue this beast of fire?



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