Monday, November 21, 2005



Thinking of the first time
I saw your face.
Then and there my heart
began to race.
Why back then I didn't realize
what it was was.
But it was years down the road
a bond called love.


Of the first time I saw you
after the many years.
I saw a man there
that erased all my fears.
I had just lost my mother
and losing a grandmother too.
My heart was so shattered
but you were there for me
and knew what to do.
To loss them together
in 27 short days.
You eased my pains
in so many ways.


On it today and
on all of the pain
If you hadn't been there
I would most definitely
now be insane.
I thank you so much
for all that you've done.
But most of all I thank you
for loving me hun.


I could love you completely
and tear down these walls.
Cause each time I think of you
it's my name your voice calls.
Maybe one day
I can just let go.
And deep down inside you
it's my love you will know.


On life
and all that I know.
There is a great love
for me that you show.
You deserve more
than I can ever give.
But I will try hard to make you happy
with each day that we live.



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