Friday, August 13, 2004


Those who have suffered
Understand suffering
And therefore extend their hand.

The most I can do for my friends
Is simply to be his friend.

Funny things are funny. But funnier
When I share them with you.

I can't forgive my friends for dying;
I don't find these vanishing acts
of theirs very amusing

For every beauty
There is an eye
Somewhere to see it.
For every truth
There is an ear
Somewhere to hear it.
For every love
There is a heart
Somewhere to receive it

So long as we are loved by others
I should say that
We are almost indispensable;
And no man is useless
While he has a friend.

Friendship improves happiness,
and abates misery,
by doubling our joy,
and dividing our grief.

The loss of a friendis
like that of a limb;
time may heal the anguish
of the wound
but the loss cannot be repaired.

A true friend is the gift of God,
and he only who made hearts can unite them.

I am not one of those who believes in love at first sight,
but I believe in taking a second look.

Love looks not with the eyes,
but with the mind.


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