This is where I release all my frustration wrapped up inside my head.I have been writing to realease for years and it really helps. It helps clear your mind and soothes the soul. If I didn't write these things that are trapped inside my head I believe I would go stark raving mad!This is also where I post my poems I write..another passion of mine.. My Favorite Quote: "If you love somebody, set them free. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were."
I lost my love of 20 years and it was hard Joyce but he will be ok.He has you by his side and for that he is blessed. After 5 years of not feeling anything after my loss I can finally feel again thanks to you and your writings. I have found a love here for you that is sometimes unbearable, because I know I will never see you in person. But know you are in my heart everyday. As I read here and think of you my love grows for you. You have captured my heart in your poetry and writings, and all the love you have inside your heart. Any man should feel lucky to have you by their side and if they don't all I can say is they are a fool. I have devoted my day to you as I have so many times before, but now I must comment and let you know how I feel. I have commented a couple of times but I couldn't tell you how I really feel. But over the last few months as I read your blogs everyday and watched your love for 1 person grow and them seem to deminish, and then it seems to pick back up again, it breaks my heart Joyce. Stop letting him do this to you.I have watched and cried as you poured your heart out about the loss your mother and all the others you have lost, and I must say I am impressed by everything that comes from your heart.I am here for you if you ever need a friend. And thank you Joyce for your comments and concerns on my writings. Thank you for your encouragment on my writings. You are a true friend. Ben
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