Saturday, July 09, 2005

It's You That I See

This poem is about my friend Harvey who shares a love for rose just as I do

Inside this big white rose It's you that I see,
a man who loves life and living free.
With a heart as pure as the beautiful white rose,
a wonderful love inside no one really knows.

Inside this big yellow rose It's you that I see,
a wonderful man who loves so truly.
With a mind as bright as the beautiful yellow rose,
who always hopes his friends share the love he shows.

Inside this big purple rose It's you that I see,
a man wishing that love could only be.
With passions as deep as the beautiful purple rose.
hoping in his poetry his passions will always show.

Inside this big pink rose It's you that I see,
a man with the softest heart there could ever be.
With a soul as soft as the beautiful pink rose,
sharing a love for his friends he hopes they know.

Inside this big black rose It's you that I see,
a man with such sadness who needs to be set free.
With eyes that show sorrow as does the beautiful black rose,
always wishing for happiness and love too one day be bestowed.

Inside this big red rose It's you that I see,
a man with a love for a mother who's no longer with thee.
With compassion and love just as the beautiful red rose,
always sharing his love for poetry he has to show.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetheart:
What an awesome poem as only you can pen. "Inside this big red rose It's you that I see" Roses are so beautiful and so are you. A tear drop is what makes the Roses grow. If that was the case I would have more Roses around my house, I would not know what to do with them all.
Love You,
Huggy Bear

9:34 PM  
Blogger poisonivy said...

thanks ya

10:08 AM  

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