Wednesday, November 17, 2004


hearts of sadness
grown so cold
blinded by death
growing so old
painful sorrow
set us free
no more death
it just can't be
8 is enough
in 2 short months
blinded by death
our hearts
have had enough


I wrote this poem after going to my aunts funeral today....the 8th death in our 2 short months...our hearts can't take much more....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Joyce for all your losses. Life will get better.You just hang on to your heart and soul and keep writing. Never be blinded by anything in your life. You have been though so much over the years, from what i've read about you here and you have survived. From this I can tell you are a very strong person with a lot of love inside your heart. Keep writing sweety and I will be here reading.Ben

7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good poem Joyce...Love you..Jenny

1:29 AM  

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