Tuesday, November 23, 2004

A Love So Strong

Yes our love is so strong,
even with my mama gone.
Instilled in our hearts was a love,
now my mama is free as a dove.
She still blooms today,
even though she went away.
In our hearts she will live,
in our words that we give.
Our roots still stand strong,
with our father, for he's not gone.
With every heartbeat in my chest,
I know my mama is now at rest.


I love you mama...I wrote this poem after reading a poem my neice Toni D post on dreamers site..." This Tree" beautiful poem...and this was my comment to her poem...her poem sparked these words from my heart...We do have a very strong family and a great love for each other all the way down the line...our love seems to grow with each new child born in this family....it doesn't die as the line get's longer...my mother instilled that in of...and so did my father...love your family if you love no one else...love them...I Love You All...


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