Thursday, January 27, 2005

His Love For Me

As I found his reflection in the night skies,
a glimmer of hope I saw in his eyes.
A hope for one day a future with me,
a life of love he really wants it to be.
It took me a while but I did come around,
as this beautiful love for me was found.
I saw it in his eyes each time that came,
and I knew deep down life would never be the same.
I knew that day as we stood on that sacred ground,
with him was where my ties would be bound.
My children love him so very much,
as his love for children shows in his touch.
The Lord has led my life his direction,
as I now feel from him a great protection.
He tells me he loves me more than I could believe,
and I feel from his heart, a great love is what I receive.
My little girl loves him more than he will ever know,
as her love for him, to us she does show.
A greater love than I've ever seen come from her soul,
as he now makes her world seem whole.
Just as he does mine in so many ways,
and fills my life with brightness with each passing day.



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